This year, has again awarded some of our hotels with the Traveller Review Award 2022!

What Is the Traveller Review Award?

The Traveller Review Award is presented annually by the online booking platform It recognises the hotels and accommodation that have received the best reviews from guests for their exceptional hospitality.

“This award is proof that you have consistently exceeded travellers’ expectations. We know it’s not easy, especially in the midst of a global pandemic. It takes a lot of hard work, vision, coordination and attention to detail. On all of these counts, you have done extraordinary work”, says Glenn Fogel, President & Chief Executive Officer of about the Traveller Review Award.

Award for Several Success Hotel Group Hotels

We are delighted to have been awarded and are proud to receive such positive feedback from our guests. This was made possible by our great on-site teams whose friendliness and quality of service led to the high satisfaction of our guests: THANK YOU to all our hotel staff for the commitment and good mood even during these stressful pandemic years!
We would also like to express our heartfelt thanks to our guests. They have recognised the heart and soul that our team puts into their work and have appreciated it with their ratings! This is a great motivation for us!